華盛頓大學衛生計量與評價研究中心(IHME)主任Dr. Christopher J.L. Murray說“We hope to set the gold standard for scientifically rigorous evaluation in health.” (左圖是他英挺斯文的照片)。
IHME在比爾蓋茲基金會贊助下於2007年成立,2008年3月開始有第一批學士後研究員(Post-Bachelor Fellows),而首批碩士後研究員(Post-Graduate Fellows )則從2008年9月開始。
寫這麼多只是要告訴大家一個好消息,IHME開放碩士後研究員(Post-Graduate Fellows )申請,美國時間2009/3/1截止。
Post-Graduate Fellowships are appointed at IHME for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year upon mutual agreement. The salary is $50,000 during the first year and subject to a merit increase during the second year.
MD or PhD in the fields of quantitative methodology, statistics, health economics, health policy, demography, epidemiology, biostatistics, health services or other related field. Candidates with an MSc/MPH degree and at least three years of related research experience will also be considered.
2.Strong quantitative background.
3.Research experience, especially with data analysis and statistical methods.
4.Proficiency in the English language.